Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Round 3 Pictures

Thought for today...

Telikom Media Pool Competition Draw for Round 4 Saturday July 5th


Table 1
C/Stoppers v Weekenders


Table 2
FM 100 v National

Ref: M/Media

Table 3
Niusmakers v Nambawan

Ref: S/Chronicle

Table 4
NBC v Yumi FM Komodo

Ref: Wokabout


Table 1
NBC v Nambawan

Ref: Madame Media

Table 2
Niusmakers v Komodo

Ref: Spin Doctors

Table 3
Weekenders v National

Ref: Wantok

Table 4
Crime Stoppers v FM 100

Ref: Sunday Chronicle


Table 1
Madame Media v NCDC

Ref: Weekender

Table 2
Freelancers v S/Doctors

Ref: FM100

Table 3
Sunday Chronicle v Poi Nangu

Ref: Nambawan

Table 4
Wantok v Wokabout

Ref: Niusmakers

1. Please turn up 30 minutes before starting time.
2. Fill out Team Sheets and give to referee to record scores.
3. Both captains to sign at end of match and give team sheet to Lucy Kapi.
4. ALWAYS FILL IN and STATE CLEARLY win or lose beside the player’s name on the score sheet and PRINT OUT CLEARLY THE FINAL SCORE to avoid confusion.
5. Remember to settle any disputes re rules etc, on the spot before proceeding with the game.
6. Teams to nominate referees and referee as above – See match Director re rules before game.

Happy Potting!!!!!!

2008 TMPC (Eight Ball) TALLYBOARD

** Wantok won on forfeit against NCDC (Round 1)
** Niusmakers won on forfeit against NBC (Round 3)

2008 Telikom Media Pool (Eight-Ball) Competition Round #3 Results

Yumi FM Komodo 5 d Post-Courier Nambawan 2

Sunday Chronicle 7 d Madame Media 0

Spin Doctors 4 d Wokabout 3

National 4 d Crime Stoppers 3

Freelancers 5 d Wantok 2

Poi Nangu 4 d NCDC 3

PC Weekenders 6 d FM 100 1

Wokabout 4 d NCDC 3

Freelancers 7 d Madame Media 0

Niusmakers 7 d NBC 0 on forfeit

Spin Doctors 4 d Poi Nangu 3

Sunday Chronicle 4 d Wantok 3